art on consignment

bearer of gifts

bearer of gifts, mixed media, 18×14 inches

In getting ready to hang at Irwin’s I forgot to mention that I just signed on a few of my paintings for consignment at a little gallery in Melbourne, Florida called Art Expressions. The painting above is one of the pieces there.

Art Expressions
1404 Highland Avenue
Melbourne, FL

I felt such a sense of relief Friday evening after I had hung the paintings at Irwin’s. I don’t have anything huge planned now. Hurrah! I have a couple of things lined up that will be happening shortly, but nothing major that I have to get ready for. It feels good to have nothing hanging over my head.

Now I can just kick back and relax…no, not really. My little one and I both caught a cold from a little girl in his music class last week. Today could be a very rough Monday. Actually it already has been, but I have a hot cup of tea waiting for me to finish typing this up.

1 Comment

  1. beautiful art, as always bri.
    what a relief to have some “down” time, huh…i hope you and your little guy get lots of snuggle time in and get rid of any old cold bug. i hear a pot of hot tea calling me…
    xo katie

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