artists at work!

This past Saturday I had the pleasure of teaching another encaustic workshop up in Evanston, IL at Perfical Sense Studio. The focus of this workshop was on transfers, which is a technique that I incorporate in my encaustic process often. Actually, I remember the first time I did a transfer to wax, I yelled out a “Woo-hooooo!” and did a dance of joy at the work table. I had been creating mixed media paintings using acrylic gel transfers already and once I saw that wax loves transfers, I knew that encaustic was a medium I could fully embrace. It was an exciting and memorable moment. Ha! Really, though, it was!


It’s so interesting teaching these workshops as everyone who attends comes with a different background and experience. Whether it is someone who has been a formal oil painter for years or someone who is just dipping their toes in taking an art class for the first time or a book binder, the thread that unites everyone is the willingness and excitement to jump in and to not be afraid of what happens. It is really great to be a part of that and sharing the techniqes and processes that have fueled my own artmaking.

I was so happy when Laura returned for her second workshop with me and brought photocopies of her own drawings to work with. I just loved the marriage of her delicate line drawings transferred onto the wax. Laura is an encaustic natural and I can’t wait to see more of her work now that she has taken the plunge and is setting up an encaustic space at home. Yeah Laura!

I had another treat that afternoon as Beth of Tangled Sky Studio stopped by after to say hi after the workshop ended. It was so nice to see her as we I haven’t seen her for awhile.

I will be back up in Evanston around May 20th to participate in the Evanston West Village Festival. I will be showing some of my encaustic paintings with Perfical Sense Studio at this Festival. I will post more information soon. It looks like it will be fun!

I went to college in Evanston…who knew that I’d be back there so much now just a little over a decade later!? Funny how life cycles back.


  1. Does Laura know she can draw in India ink on the wax — or even with vine charcoal or pastels? It would open up worlds for her!

  2. Oh thanks Meri!! And Bridgette you’ll be happy to know that I made my very first encaustic at home today! It’s currently withstanding “the kitchen test.” So of course I put it on my blog and linked back to you! 🙂

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