bloggity blog

This morning I opened up my email and saw that I had received a comment on my last blog post from Cambria, a twelve year old girl who makes and sells her beaded jewlery. How wonderful would it be to be 12 years old and already on a creative path! I saw this independent film made in Seattle a few years ago about a 20-something meeting up with her 12 year old self. Makes you think what would you tell your 12 year old self? What would your 12 year old self think of how you turned out!? I think that I would tell my 12 year old self to not worry so much. And to be fearless. Actually, I need to tell my 32-year old self that still!

When I visited Cambria’s blog I saw her and her mom’s link to Confessions of a Pioneer Woman and was hooked on it for the rest of the duration of Noah’s nap. I love finding blogs like these! Food, photography, rural life. And she has a photoshop tutorial.

I use photoshop everyday to crop my images, resize, fix the contrast. But that’s about it. Going through her tutorials and gasping at her beautiful images has renewed my dedication to learning my camera as well as all that photoshop has to offer.

I played around a little with a photo of me on a bridge on Orcas Island, I think it was Orcas Island. It’s probably not very exciting to people who know photoshop and all its nuances, but I was so excited while I played with some of the tools. I did create a really beautiful photo of my husband and Noah with one of her tutorials that I can’t wait to get printed.

me, Orcas Island, 2005

I’ve been feeling a bit uninspired on the art front lately. Don’t know if it’s my low energy level, limited time in the studio, burn out….probably all of the above. But I still want to do, to create. Especially at night after my little one goes to bed. This might be my ticket to getting inspired. Doing something a little different for a bit.

alaska, 2005

Oh, yes, and speaking of blogs, my friend, Wendy Lee Lynds out in Whidbey Island just joined the blogging world. Go check it out!


  1. cambria stopped by my blog too. i was so impressed with all she’s doing!

    i love the gorgeous photos on that blog. i know a bit of photoshop, but i’m definitely not an expert. i love the photo of you and your son that you worked on! it’s gorgeous!!

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