building the foundation, encaustic and mixed media, 8×8 inches
Busy, busy, busy me. This week I need to finish up all my paintings for the show in order to allow drying time. I made a list of the ones that need work and I’m pretty sure I can get them done this week as long as I keep saying to myself “I think I can, I think I can, I think I can”. It’s been tough as I’m still sick and I got everyone in the house sick too. But the great thing is my husband and his two sisters that live near by are pulling through for me this week to help me watch Noah while I tie everything up. I have a feeling that I am never going to feel “done”. But I can do my best.
Next week will be dedicated to all the paperwork and all that other stuff that goes along behind the scenes. And then the week after that, packing it all up to ship all the way across this continenet. That’s going to be a stressful wait.