
After working diligently away on restocking my journals for the coming holiday season these past few weeks, I finally feel comfortable enough to start building up my mixed media journal offerings. I like to work on a bunch at the same time. This week I’m going to concentrate on creating mixed media panels that will be bound up as journals.

Here is the first:

butterflies, mixed media, 5×7 inches

Journal is available at amanobooks

This is very different from my usual. Actually I worked on 2 other panels today as well and they are all showing a departure. And one that I’m excited about. I have been wanting to incorporate more fabric and fiber into my mixed media pieces. I’ve always been drawn to needlework and sewing. Although I don’t know how to sew really. I just play around with my machine, which is fine for now. But eventually I would like to actually have some skills in that arena.

For years I’ve collected bits and pieces of fabrics. Even bought fat quarters at the fabric stores even though I didn’t have any projects in mind for them. Fabric stores are like art stores for me. Which is odd, since like I said I’ve never even done anything with fabric! I think it’s just all the colors, patterns, and textures. The untapped potential.

This piece includes an embroidered handkerchief that I bought at an estate sale a few months ago. I used beeswax as my main source of adhesion. It stiffened the fabric nicely. I had fun making this one. I wanted it to look like a fabric envelope.

Today felt good. This is what I love. Even if not every panel is a success. This feels right – the process, the exploration, the discovery. I felt like I’ve been far from myself for the past few weeks with not painting or creating mixed media pieces. No wonder why I’ve been cranky.

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