“That which we withhold is withheld from us; that which we give is given back to us a thousandfold” -from Everyday Sacred by Sue Bender

encaustic mixed media
12×12 inches
available for purchase
Choices was completed in September, but just getting to posting it now. When I was making it, I was thinking a lot about perspective and how we always have a choice on how we view a certain situation. There is a lot of uncertainty in my life right now- unknown paths to take, big decisions, you know, fork in the road types of things. So I can be either stressed out or embrace the opportunity for change. I pretty much vacillate between the two every hour.
The good thing is that I have always been the type to like change. Sometimes too much! And I know that it will all work out how it needs to. I would just like to fast forward and get to that point.
I have an imminent move ahead (still in the Chicagoland area, nowhere too exciting or far, for those who know me and have heard me rambling about the different places I dream about living). Seriously though the thing that is causing me stress headaches these days is the thought of moving my studio! I really need to lighten my load, so I decided to have an online studio sale. Although I have a bulk of my current work in shows right now, I do have work here in my studio that is available. I’ve been listing them in my etsy shop these past few days to be available for purchase.
I also created a coupon code for my etsy shop. For the next two weeks, from now until Wednesday October 17th, I am having an unprecedented sale on the work that I have here in my studio. You will get 20% off if you enter the coupon code: MOVINGSALE. But it’s only for these next two weeks, so if you’ve ever been on the fence about purchasing one of my pieces, here’s a chance.

encaustic mixed media
6×6 inches
available on etsy
I also added some of my demo pieces to my shop. During my workshops I create at least 2-3 little pieces showing techniques. Usually these little demo pieces are scraped or painted over after the class. But sometimes there are ones that I actually end up liking. I’m offering these at a lower price than I normally would for that same size.
The coupon code is good for everything in my shop, encaustic paintings, mixed media paintings, journals, prints, well, the one print that I have left, etc. I’m pondering making little bundles of collage materials/artpapers/bookcloth to sell as well for a set price. But not sure if I have time for that. Hmmm…
Sorry to make this sales pitch, but I really do need to try to lighten the load before we move. Thanks for bearing with me!
“I realise there’s something incredibly honest about trees in winter, how they’re experts at letting things go” – Jeffrey McDaniel
(Thank you to Courtney of Rising Bird Healing Arts for posting this quote today- something I needed to hear. Not just for the material things that need to be let go, but those unquantifiable things)
Well wishes on the move Bridgette…always a stressful activity. Just had a look through your Etsy shop — it is like seeing a sensational art exhibit!
Thanks Seth for the well wishes- I’m going to need it! 🙂
I hope you’re moving closer to me! And Seth is right, it is like a wonderful exhibit. Good luck with your move, I’m sure great new things will come from it!
thank you Laura- I think it’s closer to you? But not sure…I’ll have to email you and find out!
Oh Bridgette, I cant tell you how *timely* your words are, how desperately I needed to hear this message tonight……
…am very much in the same boat, struggling with the same anxiety about change….wanting the part where “it all works out” to get here…..
…yeah, I am *so* with you on this…
thank you for your perspective, and the beautiful quote…..so very grateful,
So glad that you liked the quotes and that you found meaning in my ramblings. I hope that you have safe passage on your rocky boat. Through our words and art, we have a life vest!