Yes! Another piece that has wild grass in it. I am obsessed. Wild grass has been showing up in both of my landscape paintings as well as my mixed media pieces for a while now. But why? hmmm.
Could they be a metaphor for uncertainty, the unknown? Hidden challenges. No pathway.
Or. Is it about the wild, untamed character of large swaths of undergrowth. I have never been one for manicured lawns or shrubs pruened and trimmed and made to look like animals or decorative sculptures. I mean, the artistry and craftmanship is neat. But I prefer the wild. To me the undergrowth seems like a hidden world, teeming with life and nourishing life, above and below.
When I lived in the midwest I learned about the prairie plants and how important they were for the ecosystem, especially when the downpours would occur. See how long the root systems could get is pretty incredible.
When I was young, I loved running through fields of grass and plants taller than myself. Now though? I think of ticks. So I refrain from running madly through the grasses. But I will always stop and take photos. Especially the wind is dancing through the reeds and the stems.
Life right now is so uncertain and tangled. Isn’t it always? Some time periods are worse than others, that is certain. I am hoping for clarity to emerge.
“Most of us are moving through such an undergrowth of excess that we cannot sense the shape of ourselves any more.” – John O’Donohue