With multiple websites, blogs, facebook, twitter- all this social networking can get a bit overwhelming and the computer work at times makes me want to throw my computer out the window or contemplate living off the grid. Ok, well, maybe not that drastic. But then there are times when you stumble across someone and through their art and their words, a connection is made.
Last week that happened. Last Monday, U.K. mixed media artist Cathy Cullis posted her Monday mosaic of flickr favorites and I was honored to be part of it. When I was at her blog, one little square popped out at me, and so I investigated and came upon the etsy site and blog of Patti Roberts Pizzuto. And oh my, I just connected immediately with her work. Then a day later, South African artist Robyn Gordon created a blog post called “Nature Lover” and lo and behold there was Patti’s work again next to mine! Connections made across two continents and vast oceans made us connect and this week Patti asked me to be guest on her blog to reflect upon this month’s theme of “Fleeting Moment: Backward Glance”. Please visit her blog and read my essay as well as the other’s that have been written this month. I love this meandering on a theme that Patti has created. Very interesting to track the conversation.
A big thank you to both Cathy and Robyn for including my work in their posts and for introducing me to Patti’s beautiful work!

The Good Path
mixed media panel
handbound blank journal
Speaking of connections made- back in 2007 when I was preparing for my first show I received an email from a mixed media book artist Seth Apter about one of the pieces that I had just posted to this here blog. He purchased one of my paintings from that show and we maintained a friendship ever since. We are also working on a fantastic collaboration together that is still in the works. Last month Seth was in Chicago and we met up for lunch down on Michigan Ave. It was so great finally meeting and we literally could have talked for hours! It is always refreshing when a person you’ve “known” online is exactly how you pictured them to be in person, because sometimes the two don’t align, oddly enough. But with Seth, it was like we were old friends just meeting up for one of many lunches. And maybe that’s what this whole blogging community is about- like Patti wrote, being guests at a dinner party where we discover that not only do we have so many shared interests and ideas, “surely we must have known each for decades already”. I love the way Patti put it.
Call for Art
Seth has a wonderful blog that constantly inspires so many people. And now he is writing a book based on The Pulse- a survey in words and pictures of the online artist community that he started a few years ago. He put out an open call for art on his blog: Go check it out and submit!
gorgeous, scrumptious journal!
I think the best thing about the internet is the discovery of so many inspiring and interesting artists who you would probably never come across under any other circumstances. Your journal is beautiful!
Bridgette, thanks so much for your kind words. This was quite a week wasn’t it!? I loved hearing your story about Seth and so glad the “in person” experience was such a success! So happy to know you and many thanks again for your wonderful contribution to the blog!
Thanks nacherluver!
Carrie, I agree. It is definitely the enormous benefit of being online- the connections that are made probaly wouldn not happen otherwise!
Thanks patti so much for inviting me to reflect on your theme! I enjoyed writing the essay and am so glad our paths crossed. HOpe we too will meet up.
YOur work is divine & so heavenly….
YOur work is divine & so heavenly….
intriguing and inspiring!!
I like a lot your artworks!
congratulations and grt from Spain
Thanks for the info..
I meant to get back to you, just got crazy busy..
all the recent work is wonderful, and is visually stunning.
when is your book going to be ready?
I am all about the connections too Bridgette and the ones we all have made on the Internet and in Blogville have far exceeded my expectations. It was a pleasure to actually meet you in Chicago and to see the person/artist responsible for your beautiful art and creative blog! And a big thank you for helping to get the word out on the open call.
I do love your work very much
Thanks everyone!
Jimmy- the article was published this month in Somerset Studio. I’ll email you when I get a chance.
Carolyn, the feeling is mutual! Thank you.
Love the journal and post here and on Patti’s blog. Nice to meet this artist also! Love the story about Seth too. The artist connections on the Internet are truly rewarding.
Thanks, Bridgette!
Hi Bridgette, I adore your work, so lovely and evocative. Congrats on all your recent successes, wow! I also read your piece on Crescendoh and was touched by your story. Thank you for sharing.
It’s nice, isn’t it? When all these lines intersect.
Hi Bridgette
So sweet to read your piece in Creshendoh and to see how very much of a balance you strike as mother and artist…an inspiration 😉