The opening reception on Friday was a lot of fun. It was really nice seeing Wendy and Karon. There was a really good turn out too. I didn’t even get to drink any wine or eat any of the goodies that were spread out on thetable because I was too busy. That’s always a good sign. Well, I was also busy with Noah who came to the opening, of course! I got to meet Lisa Jones Moore who I had only known through Flickr previously. And Binky Bergsman and I finally complete a trade that we had first talked about many many moons ago. We traded a crow painting for a crow painting. I love my new painting and I can’t wait to hang it up.
Another cool thing that came out of Friday night was a deal I worked out with my neighbor who drove all the way out to see the show. She asked me if I would be interested in taking an afternoon to teach her about encaustics and that she would pay me to do so. I said, how about if you teach me how to sew instead? She is a professional seamstress and she did my wedding dress, which was how I met her and found out that she was one of my neighbors. Anyway, I am so excited as I’ve always wanted to learn how to sew. I am so so terrible with reading manuals and trying to figure out my machine. I’m afraid though that this is going to start a very bad fabric collecting habit.

journal entry from today
Saturday night we went to the Ballard artwalk just to check out what the scene was like on the street. I don’t know if we were out there too early, but the energy level was low. Hmmm. Something to think about, if I want to pursue doing the open studio during the artwalk. Do I have the energy to make it work? Hmmm… One good thing though is that I may have found a possible new venue for my work for a future art walk. I spoke to the owner of the shop and told her that I thought my art would be a good fit. She was very interested and I just have to call to follow up.
It wasn’t that long ago that the thought of approaching someone about my work would make me sick to my stomach. It’s really true how once you start to just do it, how much easier it gets. Actually, the first time I approached a gallery/boutique to carry my journals, I didn’t approach them. My husband did! That’s how much of a weenie I was. I did have to meet with the gallery owner to look at my journals. She was so nice, and even took the time to explain to me how wholesale worked and helped me with my price points. I didn’t know anything back then.
Anyway, it’s all about baby steps. Anyone who is reading this, if you have a dream, like I did/do, pursue it. Envision it, then take the steps. Just believe in yourself, even when you don’t. I’m still figuring things out, but that’s one of the lessons I’ve learned. And it’s one I still have to remind myself of often.
This entry was right on target for me. I have been thinking countless times how I need to approach some store/gallery owners to get my work out there but, like you were, am such a weenie. This frustrates my husband to no end and he is actually thinking about doing what yours did and do the work himself. Baby steps, boy am I trying that. Just got a huge commissioned job. When they asked me the price, I chickened out and went to hubby. He picked the price (which was twice what I was going to ask by the way), wrote the email and I sent it. They accepted the price he set, I couldn’t believe it! Isn’t it funny how everyone seems to have all the confidence in our work, but us?
Oh, and the studio? Well, we moved to a larger house, but I am still working from home. I think about our conversation many moons ago about getting a studio outside of the house! hmm, baby steps.
I totally relate to the belly thing! I’ve only sold pieces to people in this area, but now (thanks to my blog!! Yay!) I’ve rec’d a request from someone over the ocean. It makes me realize I need to scoot over to etsy or artid or someone to help! Very exciting, but very nervous-making! Baby steps + baby steps = bravery, I hope.
I am still totally boggled how you manage to do so much! How do you have time to do journal entries with an active toddler? Let alone, paint and then teach? And exhibit? Hoo boy!
But, beware, collecting fabrics is addicting!
Glad you had a good show,
Dont forget to email me and i will post ATC. Good luck with the sewing.
Thanks so much for the encouraging words you left on my blog. Seeing your incredible work in Artful Blogging magazine was one of the main reasons I decided to take myself on this journey – you are a true inspiration. Muchas gracias!
I can’t wait to see your some of your fabric creations on here! and yes, beware… fabric collecting is very addicting :).
“just believe in yourself, even when you don’t”
this is exactly what i needed to hear today, now to figure out how to do it….
thanks for your inspiration and words of wisdom, bri
I am in love with this journal page!