Dear Universe: visual journal page 1.22.23

  • February 09, 2023
visual journal entry 1.22.23

I had set an intention for myself to try to write everyday- either handwritten in my journal, or here on my blog. The key word is TRY. So, I have been trying. It doesn’t always happen, but since the point is to try, then it is a success. And sometimes it’s as simple as writing three words down on a torn piece of paper bordering an image of trees and undergrowth printed on a transparency. I have had this printed transparency for years. I know that I actually printed it, but I don’t remember anything else about it. But I feel like it captures that feeling of being in the midst of a brambly situation and not sure how to make one’s way out of it. Finding my way, when there is no path to follow.

Visual journaling can be simple or as complex as you make it. I am just a few pages done with my current journal that I started in 2019. It was a thick journal and I also stopped writing in it for most of 2020. What a year that was. I’m looking forward to finishing up my current journal and moving on to the next!

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