Deeply Rooted, Open Hearted

Deeply Rooted, Open Hearted is an encaustic mixed media painting by Bridgette Guerzon Mills
Bridgette Guerzon Mills | Deeply Rooted, Open Hearted, encaustic mixed media, 8×16 inches

This past weekend we had family from Seattle come visit and it was so good to be able to sit around the table and just be together. There’s something about being able to reconnect with family in real time that is very rooting. In this age where everything is virtual and automated or we rush, rush, rush, it’s so important to take a pause. I really do think these pauses allow us to root down, and open us up to deeper connections. It’s definitely fortunate when it can happen.

I created this encaustic mixed media piece recently and shipped it out to Egg Harbor in Wisconsin for the 2024 season at Cappaert Contemporary Gallery. Happy to be part of this gallery again this year. If you’re up there, stop in and say hi for me!

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