descent, 6×8 inch blank journal
mixed media and encaustic cover
Yesterday I woke up feeling allergic to the world. Then I changed my mind later and thought that I felt like I had been poisoned. No, not really. But if I had been poisoned, I think that’s how I would feel. Blech. But Noah and I did manage to go to our Thursday morning music class and have fun. I think the stress of moving, still recovering from being sick, and life in general hits me on certain days.
I went into the studio yesterday afternoon because I absolutely need to get everything done that needs to get done for the June show. The reason being that I need to start packing up my art supplies. Oh no! I’m going to feel like I’m missing a limb for the next few months. But I think what I will do so I don’t lose my mind is sketch and do lots of visual journal entries. Or cook. That’s what I do as my creative outlet when I can’t get into the studio.
Or most likely I will just be packing and getting our house ready to go on the market.
Anyway, yesterday afternoon was terrible. Everything was a disaster. A piece that was finished that I just wanted to fix a little bit, got completely messed up. And no longer exists. That was disheartening. And then another encaustic piece I was working on, just was not working out. On the afternoon where I needed to be most productive, everything failed. Oh well, what can you do? It’s tough when I get so limited studio time and to have it be such a disaster.
But I had some interesting conversations yesterday. The first was with one of the other artists who is in my building. He is much older and has been working as an artist for a long time, even owned a gallery at one point. Our conversation made me realize how naive I can be when it comes to this art world. It wasn’t a bad conversation at all. In fact, it was eye opening. I will have to write about it at another time. He made me laugh with his very honest observations about the way the art world works.
The other conversation that was good for my soul was with Angela Rockett at Gallery 309 in Belltown. She was having an opening reception at this new gallery and although I was tired and had a horrible day, I knew that it would do me good to go. I hardly ever go anywhere after 7 pm (Noah’s bedtime) so this was a treat. So after Noah went to bed I threw off my dirty paint stained clothes and tried to make myself a little bit more presentable. (Failed at that, but didn’t care considering the day I had). It was so good to see her and talk about art and energy and the creative process. Hopefully we will get to see each other again before I leave.
Bridgette, on this bad day you posted this beautiful journal cover.
thank you lynda. your words mean a lot to me.
This piece is great! I look forward to reading about your conversation with the other artist in your studio.
Descent is beautiful!
Don’t we all have days when nothing goes well? Perhaps it’s a little voice saying, slow down, it’s not time to force it. Or maybe it’s compensation for when we are so energized and do one terrific thing after another!! Great idea about talking to other artists and seeing an exhibit.
Facing a major life change (moving) brings lots of stress. Perhaps there is some underlying mourning, as well. Your plan to sketch and journal might bring new insights that might not have developed otherwise. Best wishes with everything you have to juggle right now.
thanks tina!
thank you gina for your insightful comment. you are definitely right about there being an underlying mourning. I wish I could slow down…