Earth, Sky, Horizon

I finished this encaustic painting yesterday, but wasn’t able to post about it because being the klutz I am, I tripped on the stairs and sprained or strained my left wrist. All I know is that it hurts! The ace bandage I have on impedes my typing skills, which are not the best to begin with in the first place. But tonight it feels much better.

Earth, Sky, Horizon, encaustic, 12×12 inches

That was my country—Terrible winds and a wonderful emptiness. ~Georgia O’Keefe


I don’t know exactly what place O’Keefe is describing here as I know she lived in Wisconsin, New York, Texas, and New Mexico. Oh, and I think Virginia. If I had to guess I would say Texas. I was driving through the Texas panhandle once and the winds nearly blew me over!

Little circles and dots have been making an appearance in my paintings recently. They are working as symbols of seeds and cycles. As well as compasses. Again, the colors are not true to real life. Once the image converted to jpeg, it became much darker on the screen. Ah well, the limitations of technology.


Prairie Factoid:
Illinois may be called the Prairie State, but very little of the state’s original prairie remains.In 1820, at least 60% of Illinois’ land area, mainly in the northern part of the state, was grasslands of one type or another. Prairie land makes very good farm land, however, and by the end of the nineteenth century, farmers had plowed and planted much of Illinois’ original prairie. Industrialization and the growth of cities like Chicago took care of much of what remained, and today 99.99% of the original prairie is gone.
Taken from:

I am thrilled that this painting is already headed for a new home. If you are reading this S- many, many thanks.


  1. Take care of your wrist, you!

    It’s funny, before I read the rest of the post, I was thinking how this piece evokes central/west Texas. The shape of the tree, the colors…

  2. This is a real winner Bridgette. The contrast of the dark brown with the lighter shades is very stong, the repetition of the circles really draws the eye, and the expanse of openess behind the little tree reaslly captures a sense of depth and vastness. Lucky new owner!

  3. Thanks everyone, looks like the well wishes for my wrist have worked. Much better now!

    Thank you for the comments on this painting. I really appreciate it.

  4. I think this might be one of my new favorites. Although it seems like I say that every time I see a new one. But I think I really mean it this time! 🙂

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