Emerging, Strange and Lovely

Emerging Strange and Lovely
Emerging, Strange and Lovely
encaustic mixed media
16×12 inches
currently at artstream, sold

One of the things I am so grateful for in my art practice is that while my paintings may be evocative of an emotion, for me they document an actual moment and place. I remember the day so clearly when I snapped the photo of this midwestern landscape. When I take my photos I do have in the back of my mind that that shot could possibly inspire a painting, but I don’t get obsessive about it. It’s more of a casual thing. I see something that catches my eye and I take the shot. Recently I was talking to a non-artist friend, but serious yoga practitioner, about my process and she remarked that I must always be “present” to the world around me in order to be inspired by what most people just pass by. And I paused, as I hadn’t really thought about it in that way and nodded. I’ve always been an observer. It is part of my nature. Learning to take what I observe and make it into my own creation- that has taken years of practice and I am so grateful for the process.

“How fortunate we are to make our life’s work centred on experiencing life with depth and creating a soulful response to it.” -Linda Saccoccio



I am so excited to be heading out to New Hampshire this weekend for the reception of Between Here and There! I cannot wait to see how the works of myself, Melissa Hall, Linda Wein, and Kari hall have come together on the walls of artstream. I will do my best to take photos to share when I get back. If you are in the area, I hope you can stop in!

April 1- May 30, 2015
Artist Reception April 24th and May 29th
5:30-7:30 pm
10 Second Street, Dover NH 03820
603.516.8500, M-F 12-6 Sat 10-2


  1. Congratulations on the sale of your very lovely painting, and also to the one(s) whose space it will grace.
    I find great comfort in being open to ways I see and sense moments that others just don’t “get”. I’m a little sad and wistful sometimes that these things are overlooked or not as important to people I’m closest to, but everyone is different.
    I wish i could settle on an expression of the joy in art or writing, for the world to see! But I am starting to accept that my gifts are still precious, just for me. Great satisfaction in being an “Appreciator”, too.
    I love your work, and always,how clearly you express yourself. I come away from reading your words, your choice of quotes, reassured and comforted. Some day you could be a great art therapist! Hope you are well and happy! Thank you!

    1. thanks MaryJo! This is one of my favorites that I’ve made this year, but glad that it’s going to a new home.

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