We Are All Connected
encaustic and mixed media
14×14 inches
I am so excited to be part of an upcoming group show called “Encaustics to the Sixth Power” taking place at the Nelson Gallery in Lexington, Virginia. This show was curated by Christine Rooney and will show her work along with the work of Susanne Arnold, Diana Detamore, Pamela Wallace, and Elena De La Ville.
I will have two paintings included in this exhibit, the painting above and the painting that I shared in the previous post. Unfortunately I won’t be able to attend, but I hope that if you are local, you will stop by!
The Nelson Gallery
27 West Washington Street
Lexington, Virginia 24450
Opening Reception: Friday November 5th, 5:00-7:00 pm
Exhibition dates: November 5th- November 30th
This year has been so crazy busy that I can’t believe that I forgot to share this image:

Back in June, my painting “Beyond Time” was juried into the Luminous Layers show out in Oregon. To my delight and absolute surprise, my painting was chosen for one of the posters for the show! The other art in the poster includes Jeff Schaller and Molly Cliff-Hilts.
If you want to take a virtual tour of the show, here is a video. Technology these days is pretty nifty, isn’t it?
Congratulations on that show in Lexington. I was excited, briefly, thinking I would be able to see it. I drive right by, or sometimes through, Lexington on my way to my parents’ house in Roanoke, VA. Unfortunately, the next time I go through will be on Thanksgiving Day.
Oh, I am sorry I missed out on seeing these at the Lake Oswego show. Congrats, though. Your work is lovely. That’s a little bird in the corner, right? When I click it goes to Flickr, but I don’t get it larger. I love encaustic!
Congrats! Wish I could go see it. I love your work and encaustics fascinate me. Wish I had enough room here to try them.
So happy for you on the poster. It’s grand that they think enough of your work to want to use it on the poster.
Thank you so much for sharing the video. I enjoyed it. Wonderful pieces of art. I hope you have a lovely week ahead. Greetings, Inge
Congratulations, and thank you so much for sharing your lovely art.