Every year I do the top 9 Instagram grid because it’s kind of fun to see. And in this top 9 of Instagram I see: earthy creations, following my intuition, listening to my dreams/visions and expressing my love and respect for this earth.
It’s been a hard year, on top of other hard years. A year of grieving and a year of uncertainty. Yesterday I was looking through all my photos of 2019 on my phone and instead of seeing the heaviness that had been weighing on me, especially during this holiday season, I saw a life filled with my little family, my creations and my love of nature. And that is good. And it is enough.
Goodbye 2019. Thank you for your lessons, even for the most difficult ones. I am ready….
“This is the first, the wildest and the wisest thing I know: that the soul exists and is built entirely out of attentiveness.” – Mary Oliver