Fingerpainting the Moon: creating with a simple leaf

Last week I posted an activity that my 5 year old and I did together from Susan Schwake’s book Art For All Seasons. When my 8 year old got home from school he wanted to do one too, so he looked through the book and picked a Nature Journal activity inspired by artwork by Susann Foster Brown.

I am giving away a copy of this book. If you would like a chance to win your own copy, please comment and tell me what creative activities you like to do with kids. I loved hearing what other people do- gave me some ideas!


I don’t know what it is with my kids and not following the instructions, but they always both decide to deviate. Which in the end, I think is a good trait. It shows creativity, right? It is frustrating though when I get stuck in my head that they need to do it a certain way and they are not listening, but as my son reminds me, “but it’s my art, not yours, and I want to do it my way”. True that. He decided that he wanted to not just draw his leaf, as per the instructions in the book, but also to trace it and then to do a leaf rubbing with a crayon.


What her big brother does, she needs to do as well.

Using watercolors, they added color to their drawing, tracing, and rubbing. Luckily I knew the names of the leaves they picked and they wanted to add that as well.

Noah’s painting.

Grace did two paintings.


I just love how these turned out! I like the fluidity, the bright colors and the general playfulness. I also like their handwriting in the painting.

It’s been such a treat to be part of this blog tour as I’ve been really lagging in my Fingerpainting the Moon series of posts! Now that summer is here and we will have more free time, we will definitely be dipping into this book for some ideas.

You have until Thursday night, tonight, midnight eastern standard time to leave a comment to enter for the giveaway. Thanks for playing along and good luck!


  1. building fairy houses with pine cones, bark, twigs etc…has always been a favorite activity for my big and small kiddos 🙂

  2. Their artwork is beautiful. Artistic talent runs in your family! Such a good thing to encourage kids to do! If I should win the book, I would send to my grandkids. My daughter would happily play with the kids and the book inspirations!

  3. It’s difficult to pinpoint my favorite art activity with little ones. I get such joy setting out collage materials and letting them create their masterpieces. I also adore watching them paint at the easel. Have a lovely summer of creating with your children! ~Denise

    1. I love watching kids paint too- the freedom! Thanks Denise. Hope you have a wonderful summer and congrats again- lots of creating ahead for you!

  4. That is really cool, thank you for the chance to win the book.
    My girls and I (they currently are 8 and almost 10) love making magic wands together 🙂

    1. Thanks for sharing your activity Nolwenn! My 5 year old and I recently went to a fairy birthday party where the girls made the cutest fairy wands using twigs as the base for the wand. She loved it. I drew the name already and the drawing is over, but thank you for visiting and for your comment.

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