I haven’t done a post in this Fingerpainting the Moon series of mine in so long! Hopefully now that I am back to blogging more regularly, I can start writing up about the activities I do with my kids. Being in the studio with my kids is our happy place. We love to create together. There are times when we’re all tearing our hair out and then I pack us up to go to my studio and the energy shifts. Maybe we should all just move in there…
I wanted to share a Valentines project we did together. I am posting this about 2 weeks after Valentines Day, of course, as that seems to be the story of my life right now. We actually did this project a week after Valentines. The week before Valentines was just too hectic, so we did it last week and I’m so glad we did, even if it was late. Whose timeline am I on anyway?

A friend of mine sent us a surprise package in the mail that had a stack of hearts cut out of construction paper with instructions to have each member of the family write what we love about another individual in the family. She started it by writing a note to me and what she loved about me, which was so sweet. And her note set the tone for our notes- to be specific in the note for what you love about the person. For example, for my son I wrote: “I love to watch you run like the wind.” When he read that he got a big smile on his face. The kids and I got started and we had fun writing little notes to each other. Noah wrote his own and my daughter, being 3, dictated her notes to me and drew on them afterwards.

She’s a rascal and on one she told me to write: “Plants, I love when you are alive.” And then she placed it by my plant that is dying. (My shameful secret: if it’s not a cactus plant, I can’t keep houseplants alive. Pathetic, I know.) I promptly watered it after our little activity…

After all was said and done, I poked holes in the hearts and strung them up on a long strand of yarn. It may be 2 weeks after Valentines, but we still have it strung up on the mantel in our living room.
how lovely Bri! stick these in a jar and add to them each year. perfect anytime pick-me-up!
great idea Jen! I think i’ll do that.
What a wonderful way for kids to express themselves and tell others how they feel! I remember the times of making art with my kids as some of the happiest of my life; these are memories you’ll always cherish.