The Bee Team’s For The Love of the Bee sale has officially started! Actually it started yesterday, but yesterday was a very full day and well, you know how it goes.

For the Love of the Bee etsy sale
During the month of February, the Beeswax Team will be donating 5% of proceeds to the “Save the Bees” research group.
The disappearance of bees on a global scale is a very important issues that has far reaching implications for us and our planet. I have heard news stories about Colony Collapse Disorder and have read a few articles, but still feel fairly ignorant of this issue. I am definitely going to learn more about this phenomenon. The Bee Team is dedicating itself to spread the word about CCD and do out part to help out the bees.
Here are your resources to help you understand CCD and for the sale this month:
Full listing of participating items
To hear the Bee Team’s first ever encaustic podcast
For more on Save the Bees research group
The Bee Team’s encaustic forum
More on Colony Collapse Disorder
To enter in a free give awayfor encaustic paints

i am timeless, encaustic, 6×6 inches
one of my participating pieces for sale on etsy
All my encaustic paintings in my etsy shop are part of this February “For the Love of Bees” sale. The participating items have the “For Love of the Bee” logo among it’s photos.
Beautiful as always.
Go Bee Team!!!
Gorgeous piece. Important cause. (My word verification “word” is unsized. I love these words, especially the made-up things that sound like they have great heft.)
New to your blog, but will definitely follow it as your work and your words inspire. Love this piece!
Timeless is, well…timeless. Beautiful!
This is my second favorite piece you’ve done. I love the feel of it.