Garlicky Shrimp Cilantro Tacos

I haven’t made much time lately for my illustrated recipes of our family favorite recipes. I did this one quickly though because I really wanted to add it in my collection as this is one of my favorite dishes to eat. It actually has ruined me for ordering shrimp tacos in restaurants because I think this one is the best. Garlic, butter, caramlized onions…I mean, what else could one want? I first found this recipe years ago and I don’t even remember what magazine it came from. I found the recipe here though in case anyone who finds this page wants to try it.

I eat these with corn tortillas and think they are best with corn tortillas. My son though likes them with flour tortillas.

I did this page quickly and don’t particularly like it, and then thought I shouldn’t share it on my blog. But then I thought I don’t want to deprive someone of discovering this deliciousness because of my wounded ego. Bad illustration notwithstanding, buen provecho!

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