Golden Workshop

This past Saturday I attended a free workshop at Daniel Smith on Golden products taught by artist, Barbara De Pirro. I had never been to a workshop at Daniel Smith before and I was pleasantly surprised by all the goodies we got. Not only that, but I had a bit of luck that day too. Barbara De Pirro had a drawing at the end for some Golden Products and I won! I never win anything. Especially when I was in Vegas last week. But I guess I had to return to Seattle to have Lady Luck smile on me. I picked out a set of 6 of the GACs. woohoo! Can’t wait to experiment with those.

We got so much information during the workshop that I’m hoping that I absorbed enough of it. I am still a lover of oils, but the more and more I learn about acrylics the more fascinated I am by all the different applications one can use. I have a lot of ideas to try out. I am thinking of sharing some of my explorations here on my blog. Stay tuned! I’ve been exploring Golden paints and products on my own for a few years now with my mixed media panels that I bind into journals…but it’s always interesting to see a tweaking of a technique. Most of the time I just fly by figuring things out as I go, which is great. But it’s nice at times to see that what I’m doing is actually a proven technique.

Something useful I found out was that Golden has a quarterly newsletter that you can sign up for to receive either my email or snail mail. They also have a blog.

I bought some Fine Pumice Gel that I can’t wait to try out. I loved the effect that I saw in some of her samples. It kind of looked like encaustics. hmmm……


  1. What a cowinkydink! I was just reading about Fine Pumice Gel. Apparently you can get some very cool effects interlayering with GAC800 – gotta get me some o’that stuff! Please! Please! Show your experiments. Good or bad. Enquiring minds need to know! 🙂

  2. oh jen, I actually thought about you when I was going over my notes and how you woudl totally go wild with some of the applications that I learned.
    Fine pumice gel is also good to draw on. Apparently you put some of that down. let dry. Draw on it. Layer on Gac800. And repeat several times. Creates amazing depth and the coolest surface.

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