Last week I was working on this multipanel piece after having a rough morning in the studio- I had abandoned another painting that was just falling flat. This one had also been giving me a little trouble as the panel that currently has the seed pods, used to be something else entirely that I had created over a year ago. And I loved it. But. It. Just. Was. Not. Working. With. Anything. Else.
And so. I painted over it.
And these wintery seed pods came into being.
And I the rest came together.
And I was happy.
I wasn’t able to work on it and do the final finishes until yesterday and as I was putting the panels together while listening to a new podcast I had recently found called The Deep Place, episode 16. The podcast spoke to how creativity and the creative process is about uncovering the hidden things and bringing them to the light. That we need to be able to go into the darkness and plant that seed and how often people aren’t willing to step into the darkness, but that it is so necessary- for progress for humanity and for the creative process. The whole time I’m listening while putting these panels together and nodding my head. Yes. Yes. And yes. So much of my art is about that for me.
If you’re interested in the intersection between creativity and spirituality, have a listen. I’ve only listened to two episodes, but am looking forward to listening to more.