i love my camera

For a long time there were only your footprints and laughter in our dreams and even from such small things, we knew we could not wait to love you forever. ~Brian Andreas

5 month old feet

For mother’s day, my husband gave me an amazing gift- a photography class called The Fundamentals of Digital Photography at the Chicago Photography Center and a DSLR. The DSLR was more of a gift for all of us, but I was given the task of learning how to use it. His gift though was more meant to make me leave the house and be around creative people. I always have excuses to not leave- tired, busy, guilt for leaving my family at home, etc. And of course whenever I do get a moment to myself, I’d rather be painting. My class met one evening a week and it really was a gift because although I was tired after a full day of running around with the kiddos, it was good for me to get out and learn something that I’ve always been fascinated by. And, for me, it’s always a jolt to my system to be around other creative people, no matter what discipline.

I had a wonderful instructor, Matthew Hollis who never blinked an eye even with my dumbest questions. He was really great with facilitating the critiques which were always illuminating.

I mainly took photos of my children as I am pretty limited during the day and cannot really wander about and take photos. But what better subject to take than photos of my babies?

I often see on blogs entries called “Wordless Wednesdays” where people just post a photo. I think I will do something like that once a week. Not promising it will be Wednesday though. And not promising that it will be wordless either! But I would like to keep pushing myself to keep learning and experimenting with my camera and my blog has always been a good motivator.


  1. way to not look a gift horse in the mouth…this is an amazing image which speaks volumes. i look forward to seeing what’s to come in your painting with wax and your use of the digital. see you soon!


  2. I started taking pictures of my granddaughter’s feet when she was very small and tried to keep up on it when we babysat her for 2 1/2 years. Lots of opportunities there! I think this is a great shot. She looks so pink and wonderful. Lucky you! Can’t wait to see what comes next. I am jealous of the SLR camera. I have a new digital Canon because it was so small and convenient but I think that the SLR takes much better pictures.

  3. What a great gift . . . I have a SLR but am sure I’m not using it to it’s full potential. My husband keeps saying I should take a class but I keep putting it off. Maybe I should go for it.

  4. Blogs are great motivators aren’t they…
    LOVE your little feet.
    How wonderful to celebrate…teeny tiny feet.

    Cool beans! a photography class…what a fabulous addition to your already many skills!

  5. i so love this photo bridgette, and nice to hear that you are giving yourself some more creative outlets! i love photography, and miss it when i spend all my extra time doing art…we have a wedding to go to this weekend, so i am excited about the photo possibilities…
    have a good weekend…

  6. that is a fantastic gift – i’m sure a class like that would be a great benefit to me as I let my ‘good’ camera collect dust and turn to the quick shot because of my ignorance!! those little tootsies are the most adorable kissable things I’ve seen in a very long time 🙂 I look forward to views from your creative eye.
    thanks for your recent message and good thoughts Bridgette.
    xoxox K

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