Inner Reflection

Inner Reflection is an encaustic mixed media painting by Bridgette Guerzon Mills
Bridgette Guerzon Mills | Inner Reflection, encaustic mixed media, 10×8 inches

I have been out of the studio this past week and working on other projects that need my attention and time. It’s an odd space for me to not be creating in the studio as my creative process is often about that inner dialogue with myself and the outer dialogue between myself and the world outside. So it’s been kind of quiet!

Well, not really. Just processing in a different way.

“Art is a line around your thoughts.” – Gustav Klimt

I created this mixed media piece sometime in early June. It feels light to me. I like how the fern frond look like they are talking to each other and the way the wax seems to reflect an inner light.

My show at Manor Mill in Monkton, Maryland is rapidly approaching. The opening is at the end of July. So I will be busy finishing things up, framing, dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s in the next few weeks. Hopefully I will catch up on posting the pieces I have created for this show. Since the Manor Mill is an education center, artists who show are asked to teach a workshop or demo. I will be reaching a small workshop on encaustic and mixed media. Details and dates are being finalized, but it is in August. I will post more when it’s all figured out.

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