“Waiting and hoping is a hard thing to do when you’ve already been waiting and hoping for almost as long as you can bear it.” – Jenny Nimmo

encaustic mixed media
7×5 inches
available on etsy
It feels like it has been eons since my last post, but it’s only been 20 days. I think it feels like eons because I post as I paint, and I haven’t been able to paint in what feels like forever because of our move. If I ever thought that I could be ok with not painting or not having access to my studio for an extended period of time, I now know that I would not be ok. I felt rootless and adrift.
Moving is so difficult even when you’ve been preparing for it. I have been busy trying to make our new place feel like home for my family, as well as get my bearings in my new suburban life. It’s a different world out here, even though I’m really not very far from our old city neighborhood. I miss it, but at the same time I’m relearning to savor the silence of the night (no sirens!) and to take in big lungfuls of fresh earthy-smelling air in the mornings. I have missed that in the last 4 years of living in Chicago.
Thankfully my studio is now finally unpacked and I was able to get some painting time in today. I painted for 6 hours straight and I have to say that those hours went by quick. I finished a 12×12 inch painting and this little panel. I started this panel earlier this month when I taught my encaustic mixed media workshop- it was a demo panel.
I am interested in seeing how my work is going to change. Each time I have had a life altering event- a big move, a pregnancy, childbirth, the passing of a loved one- my work shifted. Already I felt a shift in the larger piece that I worked on today. The palette was different. Lighter. Not sure why. Perhaps it will become clearer to me later.
Ah yes, the shifting of the work. A constant dance. Glad you are back, the move is over and you are working again.
Thanks Roberta! Yes, so so grateful to have my studio unpacked and waiting for me to get back to it.
“Interlude”….this moment of suspended animation before a very big move……oh Bridgette….your offering of your words and art are so very timely…How wonderful when we find out that a Greater Hand is at work through ours……Such is the case with you, and once again, I am so very grateful.
Peaceful day for you,
Liz- glad that this post connected with you. I actually thought of you on Saturday while I was in my studio…I was working on a painting that is tentatively titled unseen blessings. and for some reason you crossed my mind. I hope all is well in your world.
It is funny how a move changes us. I’m usually inspired by what’s around me so I’m waiting to see how that translates into my new creations. Glad your settled and have got some paint time in again. I know how frustrating it is when your supplies are all packed away.
So true, Kathryn. I guess we’ll both see what gets pulled out of us! Although the time waiting is so frustrating, it is also a fertile time…i have so much in my head that needs to come out.
Beautiful work, and I loved the quote you wrote at the top. I too have been waiting and waiting – not the same wait as you have had, but still a wait. I don’t know where I would be without the ability to create, and so I am glad that you are back creating your beautiful works, and settling into your new neighbourhood.. I so enjoy seeing your lovely creations.
Hi Kim, just visited your blog and blown away by your beautiful work-paintings, jewelry, and books. I don’t know where I’d be either without the ability to create! I am so grateful for it. It’s essential to me for balance and for finding peace in my world. So glad to have found your site. Thanks for visiting!
Thank you Bridgette for a wonderful blog. It’s a pleasure to follow your working process and to see your work unfold. I work with mixed media and assemblage, but want to get back more to painting too, and to drawing, and to read about your transition is inspiring. All abundance to you, and to everyone else spending time here, Åsa.
Thank you so much for your visit and for your comment. I hope your transition to painting is a wonder-filled journey. Same wishes to you, thank you.