16 october 2007, noah 9 months
I love to sketch and draw. So why don’t I do it more often? I really enjoy it as it forces me to slow down and really see. I am so rusty.
I started a sketch book of quick drawings of Noah a few months ago after being inspired by mien‘s sketchbook. The first sketches of him were horrendous! I’ve gotten a little better and I finally came to my senses today and drew him while he was asleep. He is just way too active when he’s awake! But I always wanted to draw him awake because I have always felt that if I can capture the eyes right in a portrait, then I can capture the spirit.
Too difficult for a model under 1 year old. He wants to play and crawl, not sit still! I’ve actually always had a difficult time drawing babies and children. I always make them look older than they really are.
I hadn’t attempted to draw Noah since August so I felt like I was starting over again today. But drawing him sleeping made it so much easier. And there’s nothing sweeter than a sleeping babe.
hi Bridgette, when you mentioned wanting to do a series of vegetables and fruits, i was just wondering how your sketches of Noah were coming along. and here you have it! beautiful, beautiful! Noah looks so sweet and lovely here. i think you not only captured his spirit but also the love surrounding him (or what anyone can’t help but feel when you lay eyes upon him).
hope you’ll be posting more drawings and sketches up. i don’t know what rustiness you’re talking about it. ;). and also very excited about your new coming series of fruits and vegetables!
He’s so cute! I know it’s not the same as sketching from a “live” subject, but maybe you should just take a photo of him when he’s active and sketch that. At least you’ll catch him in one of his active, awake moments. (Although I know sometimes even trying to get a photo of a baby can be an exercise in and of itself. haha)
hi mien-thanks for your sweet words about noah and my drawing of him. 🙂 I haven’t yet started on the veggies…it needs to sit in my head for a while. But I’m excited about the possibilities.
Ariane-thanks! I’ve done a few sketches from a photo, but I really like the spontaneity of an awake sketch. It does make it more difficult though! thanks for your comment.