Kiss the Clouds

Bridgette Guerzon Mills | Kiss the Clouds, oil, 48×36 inches

Finished this painting a few days ago after I started it several years ago. I actually can’t remember when I started it, but it was definitely a while ago. I’m not sure why I stopped and didn’t finish it. I even hung it up in my house even though I knew it wasn’t done. When I put it back on my easel this month though I knew that I wanted to develop the clouds more and deepen the mountain structure.

I really loved working on the clouds. This is big size for me to work on and I really loved it. There was one point where I actually had to stand on a a stool to paint the top clouds and sky. I am a small person, yes. I did my best to take a photo of this, but it really has to be seen in person, in my opinion. I don’t know if it’s the computer screen, or my subpar set up for taking photos, but the image that you’re seeing on the screen just seems flat. The limitations of technology. Some things still just need to be experienced in person.

This painting is based on a photo I took in the White Mountains in NH, specifically on Mt Jefferson. It’s been several years since that hike and I can’t remember if I was looking up at the summit of Mt Jefferson or at another summit in the Whites. I’ll have to ask my husband as he is more familiar with all the peaks there. We didn’t make it to the top that day, but it was a lovely hike nevertheless. I really love the White Mountains.

This painting will be part of my upcoming show at Manor Mill in Monkton, that opens July 29! This week I am finishing up some other paintings that I would like to hang in the show. The final inventory list is due on Monday, and then delivery of work is a week after that, and then the opening is the Saturday of that week. Getting there!!

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