oooh! I got a totally surprise gift in the mail today! I had emailed Jen Worden a month or so ago asking her about this painting because I really loved it from the moment it appeared on my flickr contact page. And then a package came from Canada and wrapped in tissue paper was the painting!

To truly appreciate Jen’s work you have got to see it in person. The textures are just amazing. Is that actual rust on it or is it paint?? I still don’t know with it up close. And when I have a piece of art in front of me and it leaves me wondering…I just love that. Thank you Jen!
I also received a beautiful card from a local Seattle artist Megan Noel who just started a blog on blogspot, although I have known her on LJ for awhile now. She and I have been hoping to do an Open Studio together this coming up year. Hopefully we can work it out. I own several pieces of Megan’s- a purse, a cuff, an ink drawing. And even Noah has a knitted sweater that Megan made for him when he was born. She is so talented. Thanks Mei for thinking of us!
…I wish I were better about sending out handmade cards and gifts. Something I will work on this year, not necessarily for Christmas. It’s so nice when something unexpected shows up on your doorstep. I struggled just to get out our Christmas cards to family this year. I made 50 cards and mailed out the last batch last night. whew! Sometimes I wish I could be happy with sending a store-bought holiday card, but of course I’m not and I have to make each and everyone of my cards. I still have one more to mail out to my family in Guatemala. That’s going to be way late anyway, so I’m not rushing it.
Soon, I will get back to art posts. I promise!
There’s nothing like getting unexpected things in the mail (especially if handmade or ‘art’). Some my blogging friends were having so much fun with sending and posting received packages that folks starting asking how to become officially involved in that too. We started a site called “The Society of Secret Fairies” (link is on my blog) to do just that. It has been great fun.
thanks for the link- I will go check it out. 🙂