“To him, art and craftmanship were worthless unless they burned like the sun and had the power of storms” -Hermann Hesse, Narcissus and Goldmund
{Yeah, I know imaginators is not a word}
One of my resolutions this year was to start getting to know the art scene here in Baltimore. It’s easy to say that and then lo and behold several months go by and I haven’t ventured out. It’s tough with kids and sometimes it’s just easier to stick around home. So I made an intention for myself that I would attend at least one art event/show/gathering a month. In January I barely met my deadline. I attended an artist lecture on artist residencies at US National Parks at the Towson Arts Collective on January 28th. Talk about cutting it close. But I made it and it was very informative.
In February I actually ventured down to the Highlandtown neighborhood to visit Baltimore Threadquarters so that I could participate in their awesome yarn bomb installation in front of the American Craft Council Baltimore show. The best part of being part of that was meeting some local artists who are very active in their community. It’s a good energy to be around.

The other best part was attending the actual American Craft Council show this past weekend. Saw a lot of great art and breathtaking craftsmanship. I also got to meet some artists there that I have known online for a long time like Lisa Call. She and I go way back to the early days of both of our art blogging. It was really great to finally meet her. I also met some Chicago artists, like Dolan Geiman and Laurie of Kiku Handmade who were there for the show that also had work at Sacred Art in Lincoln Square when I used to have work there. Actually they both still do if you are in the Chicagoland area. I have been to several shows similar to this one here in Baltimore, some in IL and then out in Seattle. What was unique to the Baltimore show, in my experience, was the Hands On Center where they had demos and also allowed the general public to try out some tools.

Basket weaver and wood turner Jerry Maxey in his booth working.
the work of longtime blogging friend Lisa Call
The other best part of going to the ACC was bringing my oldest sister. Now that we live near each other I have brought her to different art events and we joke that I’m getting her cultured. It was fun to see her excitement in meeting the makers and artists behind the creations. Seeing the importance of supporting living artists click. I’ve always lived so far from my family during my own art journey that it’s only until now that they are participating in it with me, not just through the telling. My 10 year old niece came along as well and it’s great to introduce all this into her world as well. She’s been eating it up.
Up next for March I’d like to see an exhibit at the Baltimore Museum of Art as well as the Walters Art Museum as well as check out one of the local galleries. I’ll have to narrow it down to one, not sure which one yet. I’ll report on my Baltimore art adventures as I go along.
“Craft is the visible edge of art” -David Bayles and Ted Orland, Art & Fear
I miss Baltimore so much! (Not that Northern Virginia is too far away.)
yeah, not so far away, but yes a world away at the same time! Did you grow up here in Baltimore?
Thanks so much for dropping by my booth and sharing my work. Cheers!