I found some time to bind up some mixed media panels into covers for blank journals the other night while watching episodes of the first season of 30 Rock. I love that show. I have never laughed so hard at a show before. Even more so than The Office, which is my other favorite.

meaning of time, 5×7 mixed media panel bound into a blank journal
I am cutting back on creating journals full time because a)I don’t have the time b)the time I do have that is slotted for work is dedicated to painting and c) I have developed arthritis in my hands and I’m only 31. When I get my flare-ups I get anxious about how it will be when I am older.
Usually at this time of the year, the height of online purchases of journals from amanobooks.com, my hands would be like claws from binding journal after journal after journal. I actually really enjoy binding…but my hands did not. This year, my hands are not in pain and I am not stressing out from the holiday shopping.
But, I still want to make journals, especially my mixed media journals. I made the one above a while ago, but only found time to bind it this week. I am still trying to decide whether or not to put them up on amanobooks.com for sale or to keep them for the Open Studio show coming up. This is why I have never signed up for all the holiday craft shows that pop up all around the city at this time of year. How do I manage my online shop while selling at a show when each of my mixed media journals are one of a kind? hmmmm. I’ll have to think on that and decide what to do soon.
This is a lovely book cover!
thank you joy!