Mmmm, encaustics

Yesterday I went to another free demo at Daniel Smith art store. This one was on painting with encaustics taught by Paticia Seggebruch. She was really great and I picked up some good information. I loved the samples of work she brought in for us to see. Holding the small pices in my hand had me chomping at the bit to try it for myself.

So today I started. I was scared at first. I’ve been wanting to do this for so long and talked about it and read about it and here I was.

I love it. I mean, LOVE it. I made a lot of mistakes today, but mistakes are good.

There is still so much that I don’t know about…but that’s what art is about-exploration. Inner and outer.

Here is my first mixed media encaustic piece.

Dreamscape, 4×4 inches

I made another little 4×4, but it’s not done yet. And then a larger abstract piece on wood. That was really fun to do. I’ve always had a hard time with abstract work, but with encaustics it came a lot more naturally.


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