“Father, give us this day our daily bread…”
I mentioned in my last post my new obsession with Instagram. I wasn’t kidding. I’ve been taking photos with my phone during my everyday activities with the kids and then playing around with them later. I have always had a need to document, record, note, observe. I have the journals that go back to grade school to prove it! My paintings are witness to this same need of mine. With two small children though and lots of activities and demands on my time I am not able to get into the studio as often as I would like or even to write in my journal. I know it seems like I am able to, but believe me, it’s a scramble to make the time and find the energy, but I do. Because I must.
But I can make images. And making these images of the daily details of my life have become like my daily nourishment. It feeds me. And I know, too, that later, when I am able to get into the studio, that these daily images will feed my work.

Sunday: under the El tracks
When you start to take photos of the little details of your daily life, it can be life changing. You start to see. The wonder. The beauty. The ordinary. The ugly. Life. Your life. This is it.

Monday: We had family visiting this week and the first thing every kid says when they walk into our house is: “Can we go to your studio, please, please, please?!?” Their excitement makes me happy.

Tuesday: Waiting for our train to arrive
The artist’s world is limitless. It can be found anywhere, far from where he lives or a few feet away. It is always on his doorstep. -Paul Strand

Wednesday: Montrose Beach
In thinking about my bowls series, I have been thinking about nourishment. Not just the food that we eat for our bodies to be healthy and strong. But the nourishment that is inherent in the act of giving food, preparing food, feeding my family and those I care about. I love to feed people. (I also just love to eat, should probably add exercise to my to-do list.)

Wednesday: Chicago skyline
I just love the Chicago skyline
And I started to think that the sharing of artwork is like the sharing of food in a sense. We can feed people through our work, through the images or words or music we create. It’s about giving. Or, at least, it can be.

Thursday: caught in an afternoon rainshower at baseball class
βArt is the river that runs through my life. I drink from it as often as I can to refresh myself.β- Loretta Marvel

Friday: leaves on a playground blacktop
And as I was pondering these things this week, I ran across this little essay from Julia Cameron on Filling the Well. She puts it perfectly.
My daily bread…I often think of my paintings as little prayers of gratitude and thanks.
I know that when I am witness to artwork that really moves me, I do have a sense of being filled. We who buy artwork do have a hunger for beauty..an appetite for it! So, artists are “cooking and feeding” people.
I love art, and try to be creative as I can, every day. I may never feed a crowd, but I’m snacking happily, myself!
I love your work, and reading about how you work. Thank you!
Thank you so much Mary Jo! I love how you put it- snacking happily, myself. That is the most important form of nourishment. π
I love the instagram photos, especially the boats at Montrose harbor. Instagram gives the scenes such a great, dreamy quality. I bet they’d look great in encaustic.
Great show at Morpho last night!
Instagram is like making an instantaneous mixed media piece…but in no time and no mess. Although I would much much prefer making the mess!
Thanks so much for coming out to the show, it was so great to see you. Hope to see you again soon…..
Beautiful little prayers. And a great message. When one cannot get in to the studio there are ways to keep making art.
Thank you Liz. Yes, there is always a way.