my source, 6×6 inch blank journal
I haven’t done a window piece in a long time and wanted to revive the windows theme. Windows seem like good entry ways into a journal. The inspiration photo for this piece was taken at an old fort on Orcas Island. I think the fort/tower is located on Mt. Constitution, where on clear days you can see all the islands as well as Canada blanketed in shades of shimmering blues and grays. It’s really breathtaking.
I added the words “my source” to the bottom. What that means to me in particular is being in tune with myself. As well as my Higher Power, God, the Universal Energy, whatever you want to call it. And the way I stay in tune with myself is through my art, through journaling, through mindful observations. Through gratitude, as well.
This journal is a new size journal that I’m offering at amanobooks, measuring 6×6 inches. It has a nice square feel in my hands. The first time I made a book this size was for a personal project that took 2 years to complete. Several visual journal spreads from that project are actually going to be published in Dawn DeVries Sokol’s book 1,000 Artist Journal Pages. I can’t wait to see it! The release date is coming up soon.
The garage sale was a big success and actually lots of fun. I talked to a lot of our neighbors who were sad to hear that we are leaving. I will miss our neighborhood a lot. We got rid of a lot of stuff. A lot. I feel so much lighter now. The rest that’s left that is in good condition will be donated.
The best part was three particular garage sale buyers. The first one was Lisa Pettit who is a printmaker. I have seen her work all around town and knew that we both lived in the same area, but I had never met her. Her prints are beautiful and really must be seen in person to appreciate her delicate lines. I hope she will have fun exploring with the canvases she bought from me.
The second special visit was from Tina. We have gotten to know each other through our blogs these past couple years and finally met in person! It was so nice to meet her and her family. I wish we had more time to chat. And she bought my daylab! At least I know it’s going to a good, creative home.
And last was Jeliza who I also have known through our blogs these past few years. She was smart and came at the end and whisked away my paper ladder and book press. My husband had bet me that no one was going to buy my paper ladder. And I was like, why not?? Paper ladders are the coolest and absolutely essential! They were just waiting for the right person. Thanks Jeliza for helping me to win that bet. It was fun talking kids, photography, encaustic, and art with her.
The fun thing about meeting people in 3D after getting to know them through blogs is that there is already that familiarity. Even if it’s the first time we met, it’s like picking up mid-sentence where our last conversation left off. It’s pretty neat. I think it’s because we all share a common bond of creativity and art. A sisterhood of the net!