On my studio table

“The object isn’t to make art, it’s to be in that wonderful state which makes art inevitable.” ~Robert Henri

With all the snow days, snow delays, sick days, parent teacher conferences, etc. etc. I hardly had any time in the studio this week. I think on Wednesday I had to go into my studio to put something away, and something I spied caused a spark in my brain. And so late that night after the kids were tucked away, I went back in to see if I could continue the thread… I entered the studio tired, not sure if I’d last long…and then I left feeling completely energized. Interesting how that happens. I was able to work the next day for a few hours and it was great to get going on some rather large paintings with somewhat of a path to follow. I say somewhat because it always changes. Everything is in its very beginning stages, but I’ll share a few images of what’s on my studio table this week. I’ve been working on my Flood series.

Working on my Flood series today using one of my water damaged photos that I blew up. #workinprogress #studiotable #art  #painting #artismytherapy

The trees began to weep
the trees began to weep…

And rust began to corrode the earth #workinprogress
and rust began to corrode the earth


  1. Bridgette, this is a lovely post. You have such a way with color, texture and composition. I could study your art for a very long time and see something new in it constantly.

  2. I can’t imagine not having your work table, whatever it may be, in your home so you can do just that … have it available no matter the time of day or night so you can see things as you walk past or play around anytime the mood hits. I’m so glad that you’re working on this series, feels strong.

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