“Improvisation is based upon working with whatever presents itself.” Shaun McNiff, Trust the Process
I love Instagram. Of all the social media things out there, I love it best. One of the topics of things I photograph on IG are filed under #studiotable. It’s like a snapshot of works in progress, things I’m working on, as well as things that will end up in my work at some point down the road. Kind of like progress notes. Like many people, I work in truncated bits of time in my studio. Some weeks I’ll be lucky to get up to 8 hours in the studio in a week, other times, I’ll barely get in there. But I’m always doing something, somehow. At night I may be stitching bits and pieces while I binge watch some series on tv. And if I am able to get a chunk of hours in, I am working towards one of my studio goals for this year that I set for myself last month- working on creating 6-8 larg(er) paintings in my new series.
Since I am working larger it is taking me longer to complete paintings. I thought it would be fun to post some of my studio table photos every Friday. So I can see what and if I am actually accomplishing anything during the week.

tuesday, 2.25.14
thursday 2.27.14 working 2 panels at the same time
thursday 2.27.14 playing around with composition with the 4 panels at the end of my morning, hmmm
friday 2.28.14 stitched while my wax was melting
friday 2.28.14 on my wall, at the end of my morning, hmmm
If you get a chance, hop on over to Susan Tuttle’s blog for her Tap-In series, she was so kind to interview me on questions like finding one’s authentic voice, what is happiness, and even my favorite recipe!
*These quotes are from a book that I am currently re-reading after many years of being forgotten on my bookshelf. Trust the Process: An Artist’s Guide to Letting Go Highly recommend.
“If you view your life as an ongoing invention, mistakes shed their onerous nature. The only serious deficit involves the inability to respond.” -Shaun McNiff
Brilliant idea … so happy to see your work table!
Oooo the set of 4 (in the 4th image) is tugging at my heart strings.
Thanks Robyn, I’m still working on them….
Love these images and really enjoyed the interview too!
Thanks Judy!
Loving the slow stitch – don’t beat yourself up too much about accomplishing things in the 3d world, most of the work you’ve probably done in your mind away before it got to panel or cloth..
That’s a very good point Denise, thanks!
Great idea to post your work table. I love seeing how people work. It also helps me with the learning process of what others are using as tools. I have never worked with multiple panels but I’d love to give it a try. I’m still trying to break down the whole collage concept with encaustic & that’s why I love to see works in progress. Can’t wait to see next week.
Thanks Leah. Yeah, you should try working on multiple panels at the same time, especially when working in a series. Helps with continuity, I think.
Bridgette–I love seeing the progression of the work, thanks for sharing this!
Thanks Lisa!