I recently shipped out four of my landscape paintings to Lark & Key and they should be arriving today. While my work is all inspired by my love for the natural world, I have distinct different bodies of work. My encaustic mixed media pieces that often incorporate my photos either through embedding or transfers, my outdoor sculptural installations in the woods, and my landscapes.
I usually send the bodies of work to different galleries. Mainly RH Ballard in VA just carries my landscapes. And then my mixed media works head out to MI, WI, and NC and then various other exhibits that are at other galleries or venues. I have read things like- stick to one type of art style or medium, don’t confuse people, etc. But I just can’t. There are many facets to my creative expressions and so I follow them. And I feel fortunate that I have found different places where I can show these facets of myself. And yet, I still keep them separate. Which I don’t think is a bad idea. It makes sense.
But when Lark & Key suggested sending some of my landscapes their way, I was excited! I have sent them a few here and there through the years, but never a bulk send. So I am particularly happy that four of them are landing there today. Including this painting I called “On the Open Road”.
The idea for this painting started backwards….with the frame! I found the frame at an estate sale and it was beautiful! I don’t think it was ever used. I love the wide frames like this silver one, especially with small landscape paintings. The opening though is 8×12 inches, which is not standard. So I cut down a panel to that size and gessoed it.
Whether I am creating a mixed media piece or painting in oils, I love texture. You can see that love in the photo below.
I really enjoyed the process of painting this open road painting. I often turn to landscape painting when I need to just relax and stop my overthinking brain.
I remember years ago, when my kids were 5 and under, I signed up for an still life oil painting class at night at the Evanston Art Center. I remember telling the art teacher how I hadn’t painted still lifes in eons and I was really looking forward to it because I needed to find a way to just relax and zone out after being mom to two rambunctious children all day while also trying to create my mixed media pieces in my spare time. He looked at me quizzically and laughed and said, most people are scared to come into a class like this for the first time. Glad you’re here!”
I don’t necessarily love the paintings that I made in that class. I still have them stacked somewhere. But I loved that class. There were some incredibly talented painters in that class. I used to watch them from my little corner behind my easel. I learned a lot just by watching their joy and their ease.