I created these pages on 4.19.20 and 4.20.20. At that point we had been in lockdown for a little over a month.
Of all the spreads I have created these past 2 months, this is one of my favorites. One, I love moon images, always, the symbolism of the moon and that it conveys the passage of time. Images of cow skulls always remind of Georgia O’Keefe’s desert paintings which I love love love. Her desert paintings of the southwest speak to me more than her flowers, which are amazing. The skull image will always evoke associations with death, which is what we are all facing in terms of battling this virus.
Having an autoimmune issue makes the thread of the virus even more real, which is scary. So the found text I added was more like a pep talk. The best way to combat fear though is through action and my actions included, staying home, my immediate family staying home, washing hands, and wearing masks if necessary. At that point when I made this spread I had not left our home at all. Walks to areas in my neighborhood where there were no people. But that was it.