Pandemic Journal: pages 39,40,41

Bridgette Guerzon Mills | pandemic journal, pages 39 and 40, 6.3.20 and 6.5.20

I had been posting my pages in my pandemic journal in order, but I wanted to post the pages I created this past week during the social protests that erupted across our country and even globally.

The page on the right I created on June 2nd, but didn’t post until June 3rd. I wrote on my IG feed:

In my pandemic journal: great grief rising

I’ve written before with one of my visual journal entries that this pandemic has exposed how very broken our country is and those exposed cracks have become chasms this past week with the murders of black men and women and the violence that protesters were met with across the country. The pandemic exposed our inadequate healthcare system, the inequity to access of healthcare and that poc communities were being affected disproportionately and with higher death rates. When these reports first started coming out, I knew it wasn’t going to be long before people started demanding for things to open…because when bad things happen to black and brown bodies, it’s like an empathy switch turns off…
I hope and pray and I voted yesterday for change….We can’t be silent. The grief and pain in our country is unsustainable. Things must change.

To read more about covid19 and racial disparities, here are two good articles to start with: .

To sign petitions and donate, check out the Black Lives Matter website, they have a list of resources- to sign, to donate to and find out more.

The left side was a visual journal response to following the news and the unease and anxiety of not knowing and seeing the disturbing violence against protesters and medics. I created that one Friday, 6.5.20
Bridgette Guerzon Mills | pandemic journal 6.7.20, page 41

The world is turning over….

I created this page yesterday after seeing images of peaceful protests, a country seeming to finally be listening and sensing a shift. I wrote this on my IG feed:

6.7.20 in my pandemic journal: the world is turning over

Feeling more hopeful today than I have in the past few days…however in the back of my mind, we are still in the midst of a pandemic and some of us still have to adhere to strict social distancing. It’s getting harder to do so, especially when the world events need us to show up and also there’s the tedium of isolation. But still! Changes are ahead, I hope…

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