power of thought/power of hope

spread 3 in “My book of hopes and dreams”

Here is the third spread in my book of hopes and dreams. In this spread I wanted to reflect on the idea that there is power in both hope and thought. It is one thing to hope and dream. It’s another to take the steps to make it happen. Dream it, but then follow through no matter how scary it can be.

Inside the envelope I typed out words on cardstock that for me have to do with intentions. And then I cut them out and placed them in the envelope. For example, “vision”, “self”, “act”, etc. I hope that whoever ends up owning this book will add their own words to the envelope.

I thought the book was done the last time I posted here, but I kept working on it. Adding bits here and there whenever I got a chance. I’m 99.9% sure that it’s done now.


I’ve encountered some art blogs that I find to be really informative and thought provoking. At the end of the year I like to look back on what I’ve accomplished and then set goals for the next year for my art. These blogs have been giving me plenty to think about.

Linda Blondheim art notes

Tina Mammosser

This is not a blog, but a cool site where you can find music based on music you already like- pandora. I like to think of music as one of my muses in the studio, so this find has been great.


  1. Your book is a real treasure. That it creates space for the person who’s hands hold it next to add to it, in the envelope, is such a lovely invitation.

  2. Leslie’s right. What a gift you’re giving — an invitation to crawl inside and explore the spaces within, naming things of importance. I know every single one of us who has seen pages is lusting to take it home.

  3. There is so much here that when I visit you I feel overwhelmed. I want to be everywhere at the same moment so that there will be enough time to feel, express and give all I that realize is my potential…that is what I feel when I come here…….

  4. This book is just luscious. I’m not sure if I could art with it, were I you! The inclusion of words with intention are lovely, and that the new owner will mingle there’s with yours and perhaps even allow friends who journey through your book when they visit? might be a wonderful interactive piece for special friends… I love that.
    Thanks for your recent visit and comment 🙂

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