During the summer I mentioned that I was working on a series involving stitching and mending. I have still been working on paintings that play around with these concepts. It has evolved a bit. I feel like I have been working more on the idea of piecing things together, like one does with a quilt. I made my first quilt for my daughter when she was born at the beginning of this year and ever since then I have been kind of obsessed with that.
Yesterday I got an unexpected 4 hours in the studio to paint and it was the first time in a long time that I was able to paint purely for myself. Lately I have had to use my studio time for paperwork, computer work, meeting deadlines, making work for specific projects on the horizon,blah, blah, blah. But yesterday was just me and paint and it felt good. Although I have to admit there was a lot of sitting and staring at the panels in the beginning of the afternoon which was a bit worrisome.

Born of Earth and Bone
encaustic and mixed media
10×10 inches
I painted Born of Earth and Bone back in October. Really working the surfaces of the painting. Painting in layers, scraping, revealing.

encaustic and mixed media
8×8 inches
This was the painting that I finished yesterday afternoon. Continuing with working the surfaces of the paintings. Painting in layers, scraping, revealing. Piecing it all together.
I just have to say that I am dying to paint larger. It has to happen soon. I’m ready.
And just because, here is a quote that I love:
You will have to experiment and try things out for yourself and you will not be sure of what you are doing. That’s all right, you are feeling your way into the thing. ~Emily Carr