I’ve been on the computer a lot lately. But the end result is worth it even though it is not 100% finished. I have been working on the redesign of my web site. That was actually one of my items on this year’s to-do list. I needed to organize all of my work into groupings so that my work made sense. It was getting a little overwhelming. There is only one section left to do. The “More” section will be no more. It will be replaced by a visual journaling section where I will showcase some of my themed visual journals as well as visual journal entries.

Check it out!
Also, check out this Tuesday’s journaling tip that I posted over at the amanobooks.com blog featuring the artwork of Jeannine Peregrine.
If you are interested in having your visual journal spread or page featured, please feel free to email me at bridgette @ amanobooks.com. Thank you!
Your website is great. It makes me happy just to see your work.
I love the prompt at Amanobooks…I’ve been doing more of that kind of thing in my Art Journal lately.
Peace & Love,
Your website is looking beautiful – and I like the way you have grouped the work.
thanks for the tips bridgette…i’m still showing off my lovely new journal! were you loving 64 degrees????
love the simplicity of your website – clean and uncluttered – it really shows your work well.
I don’t know if it’s the kind of thing that’s suitable for your new page – but this is a sort of journal I did a while back http://sitekreator.com/viviensketches/ravelled_sleaves.html
you’ll see that the actual bookbinding was sort of made up as I went!
I like the new site, Bridgette. It looks mature, easy to navigate and clean. Really puts the art in the best light.
It looks great Bridgette!
Thank you, Bridgette, for the link to Amanobooks – a wonderful post. I am a big fan and think your web site looks fantastic! 🙂
The website looks wonderful. So easy to navigate. I love the fact that it is only early February and you already are crossing things off the 2009 to-do list!
The work you’ve been doing on your website is beautiful and showcases your work nicely.
Your website looks great, simple clean and lets the work show off nicely.
I should follow suit soon, been meaning to make a site for some time now.
So tell me this, did you cut up the original painting? or is it an image? I love the green/pink combo.
Lovely work and great redesign of the website!
the website looks awesome, bridgette!!