regeneration, encaustic
6×6 inches
“Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts. There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature – the assurance
that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter.” ~Rachel Carson
So what do you do when you’re having winter in June?! On the news they said that this is the coldest June in Washington since 1897! I’m frozen. And feel oddly displaced. Like I don’t know what time it is or where I am. I hear kids outside playing basketball right now, normal summer night sounds, but it feel like winter.
The above encaustic painting was the last painting created for the June Ballard artwalk coming up. I will be dropping off my paintings on Friday for the Artwalk that takes place Saturday night.
5317 Ballard Ave NW
Seattle WA 98107
I will be there but a little late as I have to pick up my mom at the airport. My poor mom will have to fly all the way from the east coast and then go straight to an art reception with me! But knowing my mom she will be up for it with more enthusiasm than I will even have. She’s already telling me how I need to not worry and that we are going to get a lot done the week she is visiting me- pack some more boxes, get the house ready to go on the market, clean up the garden. Gotta love moms.
Good luck on Artwalk and packing.
What a Lovely last painting. Hope the weather warms up, we are having a heat wave at the moment although it’s on the change again, just as i am going away on an art holiday with friends.
Oh gosh, I hope it warms up for you soon. I don’t deal well with cold weather.
Best of luck at the Art Walk! Your work is amazing, I’m sure it will be a huge success.
Your mom sounds like a wonderful person!!! You’re going to be so glad you asked her to come and give you a hand. Hang in there.
I know! What is up with this weather? It’s all I can do to not hibernate. The only thing that saves me from going totally nuts is the fact that it’s light until nearly 10pm, even through the clouds.
I’m going to try to get to the Artwalk on Saturday. Good luck with that, and all your packing. It’s good that your mom is coming to help.
I opened my email this morning to find the latest message from Stampington’s Postscript, and what should appear but one of your beautiful pieces! Used as the illustration for a story by Paige McDonald – “The August Harvest”. One of their sneak peeks into the upcoming Somerset Reader, available next April. GIRL!! I am so impressed! And so happy that I KNEW whose piece it was without even thinking about it. Congratulations on everything – work, the move, having a great mom, etc., etc! Life can be so good at times, even when it’s crazy!
🙂 Debi
I’ll try to send some of our SoCal heat your way, Bridgette. And congratulations, too! I received a Somerset newsletter the other day and saw your lovely artwork pictured in it. I recognized it instantly as being from your hand, before I even knew who made it!! Hugs, Shari
How cold is it anyway. I am melting here on the east coast. ughis lovely today. is sll goig itt he low 0’s aght. Oye, and Chicg is soo moerte nclamte!love the green you ued in this one.Good luck packing.
This painting is very lovely. It also seems calm and serene. There is something new in this painting compared to your previous ones. I can’t pin-point it, but its there. Nice.
love this painting.. don’t even know how i got to your blog, but will be coming back. thank you for your inspiration. 🙂