2020 in the studio has been off to a slow start. Well, the first two weeks were dedicated to finishing up two commissions that I started in December. And once I dropped those off at the gallery, I needed a break to rest and recuperate and reflect.
I got into the studio last week though to start cleaning up and came upon photos that had been damaged in my studio during the Great Flooding of 2013 (my own name for it). And they were so haunting and beautiful revisiting it after all these years. I decided that I wanted to do something with them. The panel above is the first.
I’ve never picked a word before for a focus for a year. At least I don’t think I have. And I didn’t intend to this year. But the word “release” kept coming to me…and it feels right. There is a lot that I hold onto that no longer serves me and I need to let them go. A release of expectations/demands that I have put on myself. A release of the old stories that are holding me back. A release of past hurts. And the beautiful release of new creations. And the release of unconditional love and acceptance. And the release of new growth and the loosening of restraints. Release. I feel the fog lifting.
When I stopped to pay attention to where my breathing was deep and settled, the truth began to emerge from the mist. ~Betsy CaƱas Garmon