I have been doing a lot of self reflecting lately. I mean, isn’t that what I’m always doing, especially with my art? Maybe I do too much self reflecting. Probably.
I was creating this piece while I was thinking about reflections and the interconnectedness of things, as I have been writing about these past couple of posts with a few exceptions. When I was thinking of a title for this piece lasts week, I was thinking about how reflections can be mirror images, but often times are not. There’s a distortion depending on what surface is doing the reflecting. Or maybe it’s even perception. Just like memory, maybe what we think we see, is not truly what we see. Maybe I’m just running around in circles. But maybe I’m making sense to someone out there reading this. I’m still working it out.
I kind of like how the rusted circles look embryonic. Or like archeological prints. Ancient messages from the earth.
Many years ago, Jennifer Coyne Qudeen sent me a lovely handmade book filled with pages that contained teabag and rusty washer ecoprints that she had made. The book was wrapped in a rusted fabric and she gave me permission to use the fabric in my mixed media work. This is the very last bit. It’s perfect for this tree. Every bit finds its foreer home eventually.