she woke

She woke to find that she could fly
oil on canvas, 24×20 inches

This week I finished a painting that I was commissioned to do. It’s always an interesting process working on a commission. I keep the person in mind with every brushstroke, but at the same time wonder with every brushstroke whether the painting will speak to that person’s vision. There is a tension there, but it’s not bad, but it does keep me on my toes!

While doing a commission can be a bit anxiety producing, at the same time I really enjoy doing them because it can often force me to do something different. And just as I learn and grow from each painting that I create, I really gained a lot from this project. First of all, I have been wanting to paint larger and this really pushed me in that direction….And I love, just love, painting on a big canvas. I felt so much freer in my movements and in pushing the paint around. I fell back on lessons I learned in my intuitive painting class I took last year in just letting go and letting the paint speak to me.

Fortunately the woman who commissioned me was so open and told me to go with my gut. I think that that is also key to a successful commission- forming a workable and trusting partnership with your patron. After working on this project for several months and our emails back and forth and our chat on the phone, I feel that we will probably keep in touch for a long while.

J-if you’re reading this, thank you for entrusting me to carry out your vision!


  1. that is BEAUTIFUL! I love it. I could look at it all day. So calming and serene! (at least it is for me) 🙂

    good job, i’m sure they’ll love it.

  2. Bridgette: Would you consider submitting this image to my friend Robyn’s new blog? It’s called “Paint a Positive Picture: Dedicated to the Positive Power of Creative Expression.”

    She wants people to share a jpeg file of a current piece of art (created in last 6 months), along with a short artist statement describing the positive impact this artistic process had on you.
    You need to also include your name, age, website address, artwork title, media, size and date. Send image and text to

  3. It looks to be a lovely work indeed.There seems to be many layers.
    I think I could deal with the type of commission that gives you free reign, but it must be difficult when they are really specific.
    I had a woman ask me to do one from our exhibition and then she followed it up by saying ” There is just one thing I would like you to change……….Bye!?

  4. Wow Bridgette! This is gorgeous. It has such depth. I feel like I could walk into it. Your work has sure evolved hasn’t it. It seems to be getting more complex in a way that I can’t quite put words to.

  5. I can’t imagine a more beautiful break from our cold and rainy day than to have hopped over for a stroll through the beauty of your images and words…the commission piece is delectable…what a beautiful description, too, of the relationships that can blossom from a willingness to interpret an inner vision for a client. Congratulations on the accomplishment.

  6. This is fabulous. Has such a quiet strength to it. Your client will love it.
    Congrats on the upcoming show !! I’ll be on the lookout for your new pieces.

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