hold me print available in my etsy shop
I can’t believe it’s December already. Not only that, but it’s the 3rd day of December! Time is just racing by. I am so excited to not have anymore deadlines hanging over me now. Phew. All my planned shows are done. I have an opening to attend this Thursday for the “Silence” exhibition, but that’s the fun part. No more preparations. No more To-Do lists.
So now I’m going to concentrate on my online resources in a relaxed pace. I am excited to announce that the online shop that the Fifth Avenue Art Gallery created for my October exhibit has been transferred over to me. I’ve actually had ownership of it now since the beginning of November, but have not had time to work on it. The design and layout is still in progress, but the shop is up and running. I will be adding more paintings to it when I get the chance. But check it out!
bridgette guerzon mills mixed media art
And last night I added some prints to my etsy shop as well as some small original encaustic pieces. The photos on etsy of the prints don’t look the best, but I didn’t have time to resize to their specifications. My web site shows the true image of the prints.
Today I plan on getting amanobooks.com updated with my latest mixed media journals.
It’s very, very rainy here today, so I am thinking that Noah and I will be staying in today anyway. So there is a chance that I may be able to get stuff done. Maybe. You just never know.
I hope you’re not in the part of Seattle that’s all flooded! Stay dry and stay inside and just work.
thanks Joanie- there was no way I was going out in that rain and wind! I stayed nice and dry inside. I live on a hill, so luckily we didn’t have any problems.