sit and wait or do

detail from a visual journal entry:
sit and wait or do

I worked today in the studio for a bit. One of the best feelings in the world is being excited upon entering the studio and being excited when departing. I’m working on a series of encaustics that I am just really excited about. How many times can I use the word ‘excited’ in one paragraph?! In real life I am a very mellow and quiet person, but if I keep using the word ‘excited’ and using exclamation marks people are going to think that I am a giddy hyper person. Which I am not. At all. But I am excited about the series I am working on.

I am also excited about tomorrow! My husband gave me the best present ever for my birthday last week~ a 6 week culinary techniques series at a place called Culinary Communion in Beacon Hill. It meets every Sunday morning. Tomorrow is the first class. I can’t wait.

Then after class I’ll be going to the airport to pick up my mom. She’ll be visiting for a week. We haven’t seen her since August when we went to Maryland. I am so looking forward to spending time with her. I miss her so much at times. She is coming to see us, but also to celebrate Noah’s 1st birthday, which is on Friday! I can’t believe he’s turning one. My little monkey rascal.

So tomorrow is a very eventful day. The house is all cleaned and I’m beat. Must go rest up for my exciting day!

The photo transfer that I used for my journal entry above was made from a stock photo that I purchased. I wish I took that photo. Speaking of which, one of my new years’ resolutions is to really learn my camera. I always try to read the manuals to teach myself, but my eyes can’t seem to help but glaze over. I’m terrible with technical stuff like that.


  1. Sounds like a great week! I’m so jealous of your cooking course.

    I’m determined to learn more about my camera too. Maybe we can go “shooting” together sometime.

    Happy belated birthday to you, and happy first birthday to your little one!

  2. thanks angela! The class was very cool and I relearned that just as when I’m making art, I am not a perfectionist in the kitchen. But at least I’m learning the correct way of doign things.

    We totally should go shooting together-that’s sounds like fun!

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