I’m behind in my daily January art challenge but I’m still following along at my own pace. One of the prompts last week was “Food” and so I decided to do an illustrated recipe of a family favorite, Spinach and Ricotta Calzone. Would it be annoying to add that I make my own pizza dough for this? Probably. Sorry. I just have a really great pixxa dough recipe and I can’t go back to store bought. If you don’t have time to make your own dough, then just buy it at the store. I remember Trader Joe’s carrying ready made pizza dough balls. I did like Whole Foods pizza dough better, but that was years ago, so not sure if it’s as good as I remember.
I found this recipe online, so please be sure to visit there if you want to read more about the recipe. I pretty much followed the recipe except I put the oven lower at 450 degrees. 500 just seemed really high!
When I sat down to do this drawing challenge I also wanted to do it in the style of The Enchanted Broccoli Forest by Mollie Katzen, which was one of the very first cookbooks that I ever bought- which was in high school! The ink drawings, most of them drawing with dots, plus the handwritten recipes just imbued the book with a sense of love and care and nourishment. Drawing using the pointillism is not my forte. I found it somewhere between meditative and maddening. But fun to pay homage to this longtime cookbook companion.