I have a few paintings of winged creatures in the FLIGHT show at Lark& Key Gallery in Charlotte, North Carolina. This piece is titled Tell Me What You Know About Fragile Strength which seems like a lofty title for a pink painting with butterflies on it. But when I was working on it in late spring, early summer, I was feeling like the world felt very fragile. Everything felt heavy and delicate at the same time.
I was having trouble coming up with the title for this. Then I found myself outside in my garden and a butterfly floated my way and landed on flower. And its wings were tattered. It was pretty amazing to me that it was still flying, honestly. I couldn’t help but wonder about the journey this creature had been on. And how fragile those wings are, and yet how strong and resilient they must be to flyhow ever many miles and to withstand all the elements. Strong and fragile. I wanted to ask the butterfly, tell me, please, what you know about fragile strength and how to keep going.