“The wound is the place where the Light enters you.” – Rumi

The In Between
encaustic mixed media
14×11 inches
available at artstream
As I created this recent body of work that is in the Between Here and There exhibit at artstream I really was thinking about what it is that I want my work to be expressing. Readers of my blog know that I am always thinking about that, but I really felt on more firm footing, more sure of myself. Maybe as I get older, I am just more sure of myself and what I stand for. In terms of my art though, I want my mixed media landscapes to sit in that space between reality and a dreamlike state. As I lay the paint down and I move the wax around with my torch or heat gun, as I rub away oil paint from the surface, as I attach pieces of sewn and rusted cloth, I think about what does it mean to be human on this planet. I want to speak to time and memory and that magical realism that can exist side by side with concrete reality, if we are open to it. That each of us has a journey on this earth and that in my creations I am exploring and trying to make sense of my own journey. And in that journey we are often tested, and broken, and then made whole again. And that the cracks and wrinkles are beautiful and need to be honored. It is the cracks and the weathering that patinas of our life, those places where we often feel “in between”, that reveal our humanity to us.
These are my thoughts as my hands move. Sometimes in the forefront and sometimes laying low. But these are the things I think about.
The image in this painting came from our hike on Mount Rogers in southwest Virginia where the wild ponies roam. It was a wonderful and magical hike that fall day. The fog was thick and the ponies would appear from the clouds calmly eating the grass and then disappear again. I felt like we were in this timeless place.

Things I Think About, encaustic mixed media, 20×16 inches
Gathered and Pieced Together, encaustic mixed media, 20×16 inches
I have two paintings and two book art pieces in the WordArt exhibit at the Towson Arts Collective this month. The artist reception is this Saturday. I gallery sat yesterday and it’s a wonderful exhibit. There will also be readings in the later part of the evening.
Saturday, April 11, 2015
6:00pm 10:00pm
EBC Arts Center
40 W Chesapeake Ave Towson, MD, 21204
As always, your thoughts resonate well with me. Thanks for posting. I struggle to find the time to do the pen to paper reflective piece. Will post the Rumi quote on my timeline. Take care.
Thanks Lucy. I have been struggling with finding the time too, but I made myself do it today. And I’m always glad I did. Thanks again for reading!
Your work and your posts resonate so much with me , I hope we meet one day:).
Thank you Stephanie, me too!
Love it. Love time & memory & magical realism mixing with concrete reality & straight lines mixing with curves & foggy undefined spaces.
thank you megan! I know that you too respond to that world of in between. I think that is why we both have collected each other’s work through the years!
You are always so eloquent Bridgette in putting into words the thoughts that are behind the work you do. And I do believe “The In Between” really does carry the essence of what you describe. It is a sumptuous piece of work.
Thanks so much Seth.